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Pugsley invites you to the new and improved
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Here's a short video tutorial on how to extend a Notebook theme farther down on the page.
If you're unable to view the video, you can view it here.
I have lots of other free Notebook Video Tutorials on the Teacher Online Training site.
If you want to learn how to use the Notebook Software, Teacher Online Training is currently offering teachers a 15% discount on the first month of a monthly subscription.
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I'm excited to announce a new podcast called Get SMART with SMART Boards. SMART Board expert Harvey Almarode and I join forces to help teachers use the SMART Board more effectively in the classroom.
In the first episode, Harvey discusses how he uses the website JigSawDoku to have children
play SuDoKu and I share an amazing website called Flash Animations
for Physics.
In addition, Harvey and I both share a Notebook application that teachers can use immediately inside the classroom. Harvey shares his Bird on a Wire Notebook
application and I my application on the Gettysburg
Finally, you'll hear about two great tips for using Notebook more effectively. Harvey explains how to
color in a freehand drawing in Notebook and I describe how to customize the
Notebook toolbar. Each tip has an accompanying video.
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Are you a SMART Board user?
It's time to kick off your shoes and call your friends to let them know about the 3rd edition of the SMART Insider Newsletter which contains Tips & Tricks, Web Resources, Video Tutorials, Notebook Lesson Files, and Training Discounts.
You can view past newsletters by clicking on the links below:
SMART Insider Volume 1
SMART Insider Volume 2
You can even request the SMART Insider be sent directly to your email.
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This is the solution to Challenge #12 called "Watch This." This challenge was to encourage teachers to utilize the new Page Recorder feature of Notebook 10.
For this week's challenge, I demonstrated how the Page Recorder could be used to solve an anagram. The submissions for this week's challenge used it in a variety of ways including solving a pattern, showing number examples, demonstrating proper cursive writing, showing solution to a sorting activity, and solving a Math problem.
Another great feature of the Page Recorder is the ability to save your recorded page in the Gallery. This allows teachers to build an extensive library of animated demonstrations that can be used over and over again.
Here's the solution video of how I used the Page Recorder:
I would like to thank all the people who submitted entries this week. Your ideas were inspiring! This week's Gold Medal winner is Sarah Snyder and the Silver Medal winner is Janetta Garton. Congratulations!
If you have difficulties viewing the video, you can watch it on YouTube.
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I hope you'll be as amazed as I was with the submissions for this week's challenge - Random Number. The challenge was to create a custom random number generator that you could use inside the classroom using your SMART Board interactive whiteboard.
I created this challenge as a way to encourage teachers to modify Gallery objects to fit the needs of the lesson. What I received in response to this challenge far exceeded my expectations.
The Gold Medal winner this week is Jennifer Gibson and the Silver Medal winner is Hanse Madsen. Congratulations!!! Keep reading for how you can see both Jennifer and Hanse's random number generator submissions!
Because I received so many amazing solutions to this challenge, I decided to create an entire Gallery Collection of the random number generators and share it with my readers.
Here's the solutions video that also highlights some of the submissions for this challenge:
You can download the Random Number Gallery here. When you open the file, it should import the Gallery into your My Content folder. You can also go to your My Content folder in the Gallery and right-click on the folder and then select "Add to My Content."
If you like any of the custom generators, please leave a comment in the comment area for this post and let that person know. The page title of each random number generator contains the name of the person who submitted that entry.
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This is the solution for Challenge #9: Precise Object Spacing. This was definitely a fun challenge and I received some outstanding submissions for completing it.
Ann White is this week's extreme challenge winner and she definitely deserves the title "Faster than the Master" (or at least, as fast as the master) for completing the challenge in approximately 19 seconds.
I had two techniques that I used to complete this challenge. The first one was very similar to Ann's technique. It used a spacer object and the alignment guides to evenly space objects on a page. Ann improved on my idea in the sense that she used a rectangle instead of a line as her spacer object. Another submission cloned one of the smiley faces, resized it and used it as the spacer object. Ingenious!
Here's Ann's submission video.
My second technique used an spacer object that I created and placed inside the Gallery. The object consisted of 6 evenly sized rectangles that were grouped together. My technique was to drag the object to the work area, expand it according to how much space I wanted in between my objects, ungroup it back into six rectangles and then use the alignment guides to set my objects on the page. Using this technique, I was also able to evenly space my objects in approximately 19 seconds.
Here's a video of using a spacer object consisting of rectangles
I think the best and easiest technique is the one Ann uses.
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I've just released a new course on my SMART Board Learning Management System called Notebook Techniques: Revealing Information Using Animation - Series 1.
This short-course will
guide the participant through the process of using object animation as a way of providing instant feedback during a
addition to learning how to apply the animation property to objects,
participants will practice/learn how to place an image inside a color
rectangle, group objects together, add and modify text object
properties, and change the ordering of objects on a page.
This is a self-paced course and requires version 10 of the Smart Notebook software.
Participants receive 60 minutes of Professional Development Credit for completing this course and meeting course requirements.
Come Learn. Come Play. Come Share!
The Smart Notebook Challenge #2 is now in the books. It was a fun little challenge that utilized one of the properties of tables to create the effect of magically displaying "secret information" on your SMARTBoard.
The Gold Medal Winner for this challenge was Becky Poe and the Silver Medal goes to Valerie Byrnes. In addition, the first 10 entries will receive a prize. To see the results for challenge #2, check out the updated Hall of Fame page containing a listing of all the people who have completed the challenges successfully.
I was very impressed by the creativity teachers used in utilizing the "secret information" technique and how they applied the technique to the classroom. As an incentive for future creativity in applying the challenges to a classroom situation, I will be creating an award called "Best Classroom Application." This week's winner goes to Ann White who used the secret information technique to create a morning schedule application for her students. It's really cool!
Here's the video solution for this week's challenge:
Click on the picture to download Ann's "Award Winning" Notebook file called "Morning Schedule."
Congratulations to this week's winners!
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This week's Smart Notebook Challenge is to produce a cool effect for revealing secret information. I have not used this technique in the classroom yet but I'm sure it'll be a big hit with the students as well as add a little excitement when you need to reveal some simple information to the class using your SMART Board interactive whiteboard.
The technique will allow students (or teachers) to drag a picture on the Smartboard into a box and have it suddenly reveal some secret information.
Here's this week's video description of the Smart Notebook Challenge #2:
If you need any hints, please send me an email. I will accept challenge results through Thursday, October 2. I'll be awarding free Smart Notebook professional development opportunities to the 1st ten successful entries. All other successful entries will be entered into the Teachers Love SMART Board Hall of Fame.
Please send your Notebook file for Challenge #2 to me at [email protected].
If you're having problems viewing this video, you can watch it on YouTube.
Good luck!
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I hope you had as much fun as I did with the 1st Smart Notebook challenge. The response to the challenge was great and I'll try to post a new challenge each week.
The first challenge used the Shrink and Grow animation to reveal a hidden answer to a question. Already, teachers are telling me that the kids seem to really love using this effect to reveal answers on the SMARTBoard.
Our Gold medal winner for the first challenge was Lori Reed. She submitted her challenge not more than an hour after it was posted. Will Kirkwood from across the pond was still sleeping when Lori sent in her Notebook file but he was still able to get a correct solution in just a short time later.
Congratulations to Lori and Will and to all the people who were brave enough to undertake the challenge. Here's the Teachers Love SMART Boards Hall of Fame page.
Below is a video tutorial showing one way to complete the challenge. In addition, our Gold Medal winner Lori shares with us a Notebook file on the Solor System that uses the Shrink and Grow technique. Great example of sharing Lori!
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Do you want
to be known as "the expert SMART Board user" in your school? Here's an
advanced tip that allows you to turn your finger into a hovering mouse
when using the Smartboard interactive whiteboard.
Unfortunately, the SMART Board doesn't know where your finger is until you touch the SMART Board surface. This causes a problem when you have a cool web application like the Crossword Puzzle game that knows where your mouse is hovering and displays helpful information on the computer screen.
Take a look at this short video to find out how you can turn your finger into a hovering mouse when using the Smartboard interactive whiteboard:
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I love incorporating tables using the SMARTBoard interactive whiteboard. However, many teachers are still a little shy about using them in their Notebook lessons. Here are a few tips and tricks for using the new Table Object in Smart Notebook v.10 that might make your Notebook lessons a little bit more exciting.
The tutorial will cover:
1. Moving a Table
2. Changing Your Row Heights
3. Using the Cell Shade
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I provide a lot of support for teachers using the new version of SMART Notebook and I'm often asked to explain how to use the wonderful tools found in the Lesson Activity Toolkit.
One of the newest tools is the Balloon Pop tool. The Balloon Pop tool is a flash object that looks like a balloon and makes a popping noise and disappears when it's touched. This is useful for displaying information hidden behind the Balloon Pop object. You can use it to reveal positive and negative feedback, correct answers, or any type of information you want to hide until the balloon is popped.
Here's a short tutorial that demonstrates how to use the Balloon Pop tool with your SMARTBoard interactive whiteboard.
If you have a good idea for how to use the Balloon Pop object, please share it by leaving a comment!
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A really awesome phenomenon about the Internet is the viral nature of sharing information. In other words, good information spreads quickly throughout niche areas.
A case in point...yesterday, I ran across a relatively new blog called elearnr (cool name!) that had a post called Ten Ways to Use Your Interactive Whiteboard More Effectively. It is a very well written post by Doug Belshaw that expands on a Google Docs presentation called Thirty-Seven Interesting Ways to Use Your Interactive Whiteboard (see below).
This incredibly useful presentation was an idea conceived by Tom Barrett and it contains tips and tricks for using your Smartboard interactive whiteboard. The really cool thing about this presentation is that it was put together by educators from all around the world, including "yours truly."
Why I am talking about this being viral? It just so happens that this morning I woke up to find a message posted by Carol from Smart Technologies on the Smart Exchange that mentioned this exact post. I am also spreading the information through this blog and hopfully other bloggers will link to it from their site as well. Wow! Good information travels fast!
While I've already written a post about Tom's Google Docs presentation, I'll present here again. I would also like to share Tara Crewe's wiki that contains various Smartboard tips as well as remind my readers that I have a SMART Board Tips and Tricks category here on my blog.
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(There's a lot of Caring going on these days!)
I believe the best way to describe how to do something comes through the use of video. I love watching how other users do things and I believe emulation is a great technique to increase your skill sets.
That being said, here is a video tutorial on how to use layering inside Smart Notebook Version 10 (NBX) to reveal correct answers. This is a great activity to use on your SMART Board and it can be modified in a myriad of ways to improve learning in the classroom. For example, this technique could easily be extended or modified to become a powerful lesson on sorting information.
If you have a request for a video tutorial on using the Smartboard or Smart Notebook, just let me know and I'll get it posted as soon as possible!
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With the new version of Notebook, users can now easily align objects on the page. I produced a short video tutorial that demonstrates how the new alignment feature works in Smart Notebook Version 10.
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Here is a short video tutorial on how to make basic customizations to the Tab Bar and the Tool Bar in Smart Notebook Version 10. (If you are viewing this post in your email system or using a RRS reader, you may not see the video. To see the video, you will need to go to my blog by clicking on the title of this blog post.)
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The table object is a wonderful addition to Notebook Version 10. However, you have to learn a few things in order to take full advantage of using the table object.
Here's a quick video demonstration of how to use tables. After watching this video, you should be able to insert a new table, insert a new row, merge cells, modify the table properties, and incorporate other objects into the table. To demonstrate these techniques, I will create a Tic-Tac-Toe game. (If you are viewing this post in your email system or using a RRS reader, you may not see the video. To see the video, you will need to go to my blog by clicking on the title of this blog post.)
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Here are a few great resources for learning how to use Notebook (version 10).
The first resource is a Notebook file created by José Picardo that walks you through some great techniques for using Notebook. This Notebook file will walk you through the techniques Magic Box, Reveal Answers, and Fill in the Gaps. It has descriptions of each technique and pages where you can practice. Trust me, you'll love these three techniques for adding powerful interaction to your lessons. Be sure to check out the Box of Tricks blog for more great SMART Board tips and tricks.
I also want to share the latest video podcast from Teaching With SMARTBoard. My friends Dave and Scott have created another great video showing you how to do some cool things with Notebook. Their latest podcast Novice User - Part 1 of 2 will demonstrate some really great Notebook techniques including how to do a quick erase, how to use undo and redo, how to use the presentation pen, and how to change backgrounds.
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Did you know that the Teachers Love SMART Boards Blog now has over 200 posts! With this much information, you're sure to find something fun to use in the classroom with your SMARTBoard interactive whiteboard.
The problem is, finding what you need can be a little tricky unless you know the secrets of blog organization. Since my goal is to provide teachers with resources for their SMART Board, I thought I would demonstrate some easy techniques for finding that perfect resource.
Here's a short video that will give you a few tips and tricks on making your way around my blog:
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Here is video demonstration on how to use Smart Notebook to create a move-and-reveal effect for displaying correct answers and hiding incorrect answers.
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I have become a very big fan of the FreeScreenCast.com website that allows you to record, save, and view screencasts quickly and easily. Best of all, it's free!!
I will demonstrate how to create a screencast video using the FreeScreenCast.com website and Screencast Recorder application that you download from the FreeScreenCast.com website.
This first video takes you through the process of how to record your screencast. The second video shows you the actual screencast.
Video: Recording Screencasts Using FreeScreenCast.com and the Screencast Recorder:
Video: How to use the Screen Shade in the Smart Notebook software:
I hope you enjoyed this demonstration. Please share this with other teachers!
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Check out this wonderful video created by Matt Granger showing how to use the Smart Spotlight tool. You will need to make sure you're computer is connected to your SMART Board before you can use the spotlight.
[Click Here to Go Directly to the Video]
If you want to network with other SMART Board users like Matt and me, make sure you join the SMART Board Revolution Ning!
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I had the opportunity to talk to the creators of the Teaching With SMARTBoard Video Podcast last week. This podcast is not to be missed. This week's episode shows an amazing technique where you can "burn your lesson plan" to help students learn. You can also go to their TeacherTube site to check out all their video podcasts.
WE'VE MOVED - Come see our new site at teacherslovesmartboards.com
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